
Showing posts from March, 2022

Ways to Avoid Ingesting Micro Plastics

Ways to Avoid Ingesting Micro Plastics  Filter drinking water   RECYCLE ALL PLASTIC PRODUCTS CORRECTLY  RECYCLE GARBAGE CORRECTLY If possible filter laundry water as it leaves  Try to prevent small babies and young children from placing plastic items in their mouths . If your child does this a lot look up online for more information about PICA  Avoid giving babies soothers   Don't chew the end of your pen !  Avoid drinking from plastic cups and bottles, even most paper cups contain micro plastics Don't bite on plastic bottles when drinking from them Keep up to date with petitions surrounding the use of single use plastics, help us make changes Check the plastic containers you are eating and drinking from are safe   And which recycling code is stamped on them numbers 3, 7 and 6 are even more so damaging. It's almost impossible in 2022 to avoid plastic products altogether when doing the supermarket shopping, so aim to choose those that will ...

Dishwashers Yes or No?

Dishwashers or washing up by hand , this discussion could go on endlessly it's very dependant upon a person's... Energy supplier and kWh price Average dishwater uses 1.8kWh electric per cycle, but... How do they heat their hot water ?  How do you heat your hot water. .. Immersion heater  Combi boiler Other? How old is your dishwasher? Newer models are more energy efficient ? How you wash your dishes by hand? If you use the two bowl system with no more than 4 gallons of hot water and 2 or 3 gallons of cold water to rinse then you might be on a winner!  What is your water rates ?  Are you are on a water meter ?  Cut your water bills  If your dishwasher cost £250 and lasts ten years it costs you £25 per year If you're the lucky 30% who have to pay out £85 repairs in the first five years, then your appliance will cost is £250 + £85 is £335 divide by ten years £33.50 per year If yours breaks in the first five years then you need to...

Save Money Whilst Driving

Roaring Trouble Petrol Price Hikes  How to Save Money When Driving a Vehicle? Drive less miles! πŸ€¨πŸ˜± Walk children to school ! πŸšΆπŸšΆ‍♀️🚢‍♂️ Walk to your local shops ! πŸšΆπŸšΆ‍♀️🚢‍♂️ Ride your bike or jog ! πŸš΄πŸš΄‍♀️🚴‍♂️πŸƒ‍♀️πŸƒ‍♂️πŸƒ Share the cost of buying and running a vehicle with someone else in your household 😲πŸ₯³ Can you buy your fuel at a cheaper place ‼️⁉️ Can you buy a lower performance vehicle fuel πŸ€”πŸ€”πŸ™„ Know your vehicle! Know it's miles per gallon, tyre pressure, oil type, when it was last serviced, annual car tax fee, it's levels of performance and efficiency.  When buying a vehicle do some mindful research about the various models available and the various different running costs. Main points to consider  annual tax cost  engine size cc  miles per gallon  service history  vehicle size, number of seats  fuel type  transmission type (manual, automatic or semi automatic)  mileage  vehicles ag...

Children and Growing Plants

Children and Growing Plants Children are curious about nature the great outdoors and the world we live in. Growing plants is a great way for young children to begin understanding about our natural world. Gardening with your child offers a great opportunity for communicating and working as part of a team. Would it be wonderful if we all had the space to 'Plant A Tree To Save Our Sky'  When Outdoors Talk About Plants Talking to your child about plants, flowers and trees offers a chance to discuss the basic ideas surrounding the circle of life. Watching a seed begin to germinate may seem like magic to a young child, and by carefully observing the various stages of growth they begin to understand it's life cycle and how to nurture a plant well, ensuring they get the right amount of energy from sunshine, water and nutrients. Owning and caring for a plant offers a child a chance to be responsible, and as they see their plant grow and flourish they are rewarded with its beauty. ...