Ways to Avoid Ingesting Micro Plastics

Ways to Avoid Ingesting Micro Plastics Filter drinking water RECYCLE ALL PLASTIC PRODUCTS CORRECTLY RECYCLE GARBAGE CORRECTLY If possible filter laundry water as it leaves Try to prevent small babies and young children from placing plastic items in their mouths . If your child does this a lot look up online for more information about PICA Avoid giving babies soothers Don't chew the end of your pen ! Avoid drinking from plastic cups and bottles, even most paper cups contain micro plastics Don't bite on plastic bottles when drinking from them Keep up to date with petitions surrounding the use of single use plastics, help us make changes Check the plastic containers you are eating and drinking from are safe And which recycling code is stamped on them numbers 3, 7 and 6 are even more so damaging. It's almost impossible in 2022 to avoid plastic products altogether when doing the supermarket shopping, so aim to choose those that will ...