Children and Growing Plants

Children and Growing Plants

Children are curious about nature the great outdoors and the world we live in. Growing plants is a great way for young children to begin understanding about our natural world.

Gardening with your child offers a great opportunity for communicating and working as part of a team.

Would it be wonderful if we all had the space to 'Plant A Tree To Save Our Sky' 

When Outdoors Talk About Plants

Talking to your child about plants, flowers and trees offers a chance to discuss the basic ideas surrounding the circle of life. Watching a seed begin to germinate may seem like magic to a young child, and by carefully observing the various stages of growth they begin to understand it's life cycle and how to nurture a plant well, ensuring they get the right amount of energy from sunshine, water and nutrients.

Owning and caring for a plant offers a child a chance to be responsible, and as they see their plant grow and flourish they are rewarded with its beauty.  

Gardening Teaches Many Life Skills

  • Mindfulness 
  • Patience 
  • Responsibility 
  • Planning  
  • Loyalty 
  • Purpose 
  • Making mistakes is a part of becoming successfulY
  • You reap what you sow 
  • Empathy

Beginning the Adventure of Ownership

Take your child to a garden center and choose seeds or seedlings this will be the beginning of a new adventure for them. 

Tending Caring to the Seed or Seedling

By tending to a plant as it grows will help a child develop life skills learning to care for and look after the things they own. 

Waiting and Watching

Watching plants grow and develop from seeds or seedlings, is exciting for a child and seeing such wonder may offer them an interest in growing fresh foods and plants later on in life. 


  • Role of Sunshine 
  • Watering
  • Nutrients

Quick Starter Ideas for Plants and Children 

Cress a fast great beginner

  • Sprinkle cress seeds over damp tissue
  • Leave on a well lit windowsill
  • Cress will start to grow in a few days
  • Crafty ideas use egg shells remove the tops, clean, draw or paint faces on them, place seeds on to a damp cotton wool ball inside, and watch cress hair grow!

Carrot Tops into Carrot Flowers

  • Using carrot tops is a fast way to watch the carrot plant flower quickly develop
  • Cut the top off a carrot about 2.5cm 
  • Stick 2 or more tooth picks into the sides of the stump 
  • Balance on top of a small glass
  • Fill with water up to but barely touching the stump
  • Place in light but not direct sunlight 
  • Roots will soon shoot down towards the water so keep adding fresh water every day or so 
  • Shoots will pop out of the top 
  • When plenty of roots appear the child can plant it into some soil 

Some Satisfying Ideas for Children to Grow


  • Can be grown from seeds* 
  • Or in convenient ready mixed nutrient rich grow bags
  • Or in pots 
  • You can even buy tomato plants ready to hang in hanging baskets to water regularly
  • Baby Potatoes
  • Plant in Spring from mid to end of March to May 
  • Use Seed potatoes - virus free 
  • Chit the seed potatoes by standing in an egg boxes in light dry place, once sprouts are about 2.5-3cm long
  • Can then place into ground, large deep pots and tubs with drainage or tall grow sacks 
  • If using a grow sack fill the bottom with potting compost 15cm deep
  • Space each potato apart about 35+cm deepening on pot size may only want one
  • Make hole sprouts up and cover with 3cm 
  • When foilage appears above soil level, about every 7 to 10 days then cover it with more soil until full 
  • Crop ready from about 12 weeks


Succulents are easy growing pretty plants, they may need covering or bringing indoors during winter. With some painted pebbles or rocks will make a cute rockery or transform into a secret fairy garden! If you have a friend who grows succulents ask them for a small piece and pop it into a pot. 

Creative Panda and Bamboo mini garden - be aware Bamboo is an evasive species so would recommend growing in large containers not in the ground.


Other websites with information:

Baby Potatoes -

'How to grow potatoes in a compost bag' by BBC Gardeners World Magazine 

*Tomato plants -

'Giving kids the best start'

'Developing green thumbs early | Learning Potential'

Found online at

I found this website very interesting with all kinds of learning and educational ideas for children of various ages.


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