Dishwashers Yes or No?

Dishwashers or washing up by hand, this discussion could go on endlessly it's very dependant upon a person's...

  • Energy supplier and kWh price
  • Average dishwater uses 1.8kWh electric per cycle, but...
  • How do they heat their hot water
  • How do you heat your hot water...
  • Immersion heater 
  • Combi boiler
  • Other?
  • How old is your dishwasher? Newer models are more energy efficient?
  • How you wash your dishes by hand? If you use the two bowl system with no more than 4 gallons of hot water and 2 or 3 gallons of cold water to rinse then you might be on a winner! 
  • What is your water rates
  • Are you are on a water meter
  • Cut your water bills 
  • If your dishwasher cost £250 and lasts ten years it costs you £25 per year
  • If you're the lucky 30% who have to pay out £85 repairs in the first five years, then your appliance will cost is £250 + £85 is £335 divide by ten years £33.50 per year
  • If yours breaks in the first five years then you need to buy a replacement?
  • If you have a dishwasher does it mean your household never washes any dishes ever by hand? 
  • Modern bake ware and saucepans are both energy efficient and extremely easy to clean see Scoville - highly recommended with NeverStick technology
  • Detergent you choose
  • Highly recommend Fairy washing up liquid for hand washing dishes long term highly economical 
  • The way you wash your dishes? Do you wash them straight away after cooking and eating? Or do you leave them to sit around and dry hard crusty edges on them, that then later require a much longer hardier hand wash to get them clean? 
  • If you use a dish washer do you also rinse the dishes before putting them in? 
  • Do you fill your dish washer each cycle?
  • How often do you run a dishwasher cycle? 
  • Some items require a higher temperature of hot water to ensure they are thoroughly sanitised *
  • Some dishwashers have a heating element and so will run on cold water alone 
  • Cost to greater environment, is your dishwasher 100% recyclable
  • Does your energy supplier supply you with 100% renewable electric and gas or do they in some ways, or in a lot of ways use fossil fuels? 100% Green Energy UK 
  • Do you create your own electrical energy supply from Solar powered panels 
  • How many times you will rinse a drinks container quickly under cold water and reuse it, before thoroughly washing it up properly? 🤪
  • Dishwasher owners are required to have an awareness of what you can and cannot put inside it 
  • Parents and caregivers have a responsibility to ensure the temperature of their hot water is not too high, if the setting is too high there is the risk of dangerous accidents in the home where young children get scald or burnt 🤬😡😱
  • Detergent safety is paramount in the home no matter how you wash your dishes always keep out of the reach of children. 
  • Of course it also depends if you have responsible children who are old enough to safely wash the dishes.
'I am happy to wash my dishes by hand using the two bowl system, washing with hot water, quickly rinsing in cold water, then leaving to air dry. Also by washing items quickly after using them, using Fairy washing up liquid, and a Dishmatic and Scrub Daddy sponge scourer, and also by investing in Bakeware and saucepans that are extremely easy to wash up after using, and also save money you money when cooking and baking with them, because of their efficiency in retaining heat, like those made by Scoville. Note if you buy a set you may want to reduce cooking times and lower saucepan temperatures!'

Each to their own we all must do what we believe best, and in this world its not easy to find answers when large corporations endlessly want to make money from us by selling us products over and over again, but I'm slightly different models🤔🤔🤔

Found this very interesting article that takes most aspects into account where comparing washing up dishes by hand or by using a dishwasher. 

Reports UK baths are limited to 230L, average one contains 80L. Their research shows heating enough hot water to fill 80L bath costs around 50p using an immersion heater and around 20p using a modern combi boiler.

4 Steps to Food Safety 

Preventing food poisoning and cleaning

Hot and Cold Water Systems 

Safety Guidelines


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