Reducing Acne


If skin acne has become a problem for you, it may be diet related, caused by hormonal changes due to puberty or pregnancy, caused by some birth control pills or corticosteroids medications, or it may run in your family. 

Quick List 

  • Drink more water 
  • Reduce sugar intake sugary drinks, alcohol
  • Avoid high-glycemic or refined sugar foods white bread, white pasta, white rice, potatoes
  • Avoid high saturated fats red meat and dairy products cheese, butter (except Greek yoghurt) 
  • Avoid processed foods 
  • Keep your Salt intake in check 


Foods that raise blood sugar more quickly, causes body to release insulin, excess amounts in blood can cause oil glands to produce more oil increasing acne. 

Foods that do this are considered high-glycemic carbohydrates known as simple sugars or refined sugars that spike insulin levels are

  • Pasta 
  • White bread and rice 
  • Sugar  
In the Western World diets are often found to be high in 
  • high-glycemic carbohydrates 
  • Dairy products like cheese, milk
  • Saturated fats 
  • Trans fats 
These stimulate hormones that can cause excess oils and they are linked to increased inflammation.  

For some people chocolate may cause acne. 

Diet that helps skin 

Drink plenty of water

Eating low-glycemic foods made of complex carbohydrates, may reduce acne, these are found in things like 
  • Whole grains* buckwheat, oats
  • Whole wheat bread*
  • Brown rice 
  • Unprocessed vegetables and fruits 
  • Legumes - class of veg including beans, peas and lentils 
Other skin friendly foods include
  • Dark green leafy vegetables spinach, kale, collards and Swiss chard 
  • Antioxidant rich berries blueberries
  • Pumpkin seeds contain vitamin A and E and torulitine, can help reduce inflammation and control production of oil
  • Green tea oral and topical may help reduce acne breakouts 
  • Brew up Green tea with raw honey
  • Quinoa rich in fiber and protein good alternative to white rice
  • Turkey good proteins and zinc helps reduce inflammation
  • Nuts Almonds, Peanuts and Brazil nuts contain antioxidants like vitamin E and selenium
  • Fatty fish salmon, mackerel, oysters
  • Some yellow-orange fruit and vegetables like carrots, apricots, sweet potatoes 
  • Tomatoes* 
*Do be aware some healthy foods may actually cause acne breakouts for some people when they eat them, things like 
  • Tomatoes, Strawberries, Salsa, Oranges are all high in vitamin C and natural acids may effect sensitive people and cause outbreaks
  • Wheat bread causes acne breakouts for people sensitive to wheat, allergic to wheat and gluten intolerant
  • Sweetened dairy yoghurt and Orange juices are very high in sugars 
  • Whole grains like wheat, barley and rye contain gluten, which some people are sensitive, intolerant or allergic to.

Diet Nutrition and Acne 

Eating a healthy balanced diet is the best choice to ensure your body gets all the natural vitamins and minerals it requires. 

If you decide to take vitamins and dietary supplements it is always worth speaking to a medical professional first, like your local pharmacist.  

For severe cases of acne seek proper medical advice from a medical professional like your local pharmacist or Doctor. Always remember that your skin condition may be allergy related to something in your diet, or something that touches your irritates your skin.

Foods with zinc, vitamins A and E and antioxidants are known to reduce inflammation. 

Omega 3 fatty acids are type of fat found in plant and animal protein found in fish and eggs. 

Increasing both Antioxidants and Omega 3 fatty acids in your diet has been shown to reduce acne, and also improves mental health, since acne can cause emotional distress. 

Zinc rich foods like pumpkin seeds, cashews, Turkey, quinoa, lentils, crabs are important for skin development, regulating metabolism and regulating hormones. Increasing zinc daily intake to 40mg helps treat acne. 

Following a low-glycemic diet for 12 weeks has been shown to reduce acne. 

Low levels of vitamin A and E has been linked to acne.

Vitamin A retinol is found in food sources of beta-carotene like carrots, peppers, spinach, green leafy vegetables, Mango, apricots, eggs, oily fish, animal foods and dairy products. Most people get enough vitamin A by eating a good healthy diet. Be aware taking vitamin A supplements in large doses can cause toxicity and permanent damage to organs.  

More information about Multivitamins can be found on these websites: 

'Is There Really Any Benefit to Multivitamins?'  

Says... 'Most people do not need to take vitamin supplements and can get all the vitamins and minerals they need by eating a healthy balanced diet.' 

National Library of Medicine published an interesting article about diet and acne published at 


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